Events for February 5, 2020 - March 29, 2020

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Victorian Alpaca Colourbration

Australia's Premier Colour Show is back!   Victorian Colourbration is returning to Bendigo this year! Colourbration is Australia’s Premier Coloured Alpaca Show with exhibitors attending from all states and territories. The event also attracts a large number of overseas breeders and is an opportunity for the Alpaca Industry to showcase Australian Alpaca breeding. Visitors can […]

Bendigo Showgrounds Market

Prince of Wales Showgrounds, Bendigo

Held every Sunday from 8.30am to 2.00pm at the Prince of Wales Showgrounds in Holmes Road, Bendigo; our market is one of country Victoria’s best. Come along and enjoy the family atmosphere, free admission and ample free parking all just five minutes from the City Centre. Stalls include: Hot & Cold food, Plants & Tools, […]


CraftAlive  is in Bendigo for 4 big days.  Yes! The first 4 day CraftAlive Bendigo. Featuring both local and interstate craft experts, the show is packed full of the latest craft supplies, kits and equipment. CraftAlive  is a hands-on event. A chance to learn from world class specialists with interactive classes on Thursday,  Friday, Saturday and […]

Bendigo Showgrounds Market

Prince of Wales Showgrounds, Bendigo

Held every Sunday from 8.30am to 2.00pm at the Prince of Wales Showgrounds in Holmes Road, Bendigo; our market is one of country Victoria’s best. Come along and enjoy the family atmosphere, free admission and ample free parking all just five minutes from the City Centre. Stalls include: Hot & Cold food, Plants & Tools, […]

Better Beef Conference

BetterBeef holds annual conferences in regional Victoria which are attended by up to 200 farmers and advisers. The program is designed to bring producers, advisors, researchers, industry bodies and extension agencies together to exchange knowledge, ideas, and experiences. The conference is also an opportunity to learn about new developments and research in the beef industry. […]